Hello and Welcome to Healthy, one Recipe at a Time...
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About Me


Thank you for stopping by!

My name is Zineb and this is my Healthy Recipes Blog. I have initially started this Blog to share my weight loss progress after having my baby. Somewhere along the way, I had started to share some of my recipes and to my surprise I had a lot of great feedback. So, of course, I kept the recipes coming.

I reached my goal weight awhile back, and instead of starting a new Food Blog, I decided to keep this one, since all my recipes are based on the idea of healthy eating. I also film my recipes to make it even easier to recreate (make sure to subscribe to my youtube channel).

If you browse this Blog, you will notice that I make everything from scratch. No cake from a box, and no dough from a can. Not that I have anything against those, it's just my choice to avoid as much processed foods are possible. Especially when it is really simple and easy to make it myself. I have never attended a cooking class, and I don't have a culinary education (I'm a Computer Science Engineer if you must know) but I do have a lot of experience in the kitchen, mainly just trying a lot of different recipes, which leads to creating my own. Also, I am Moroccan, and where I come from, we love to cook as much as we love to eat. So you can say that it's in my blood haha.

This was a quick introduction to myself. Please feel free to leave me a comment if you have any specific question (personal or not) and I will make sure to answer!

Have a lovely day, and see you in the kitchen =)
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