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Feb 24, 2012

Almond Filled Croissants

Almond filled croissantsI wanted to share my homemade puff pastry to make almond filled croissants, since the first croissants video was such a hit, I thought that this video would be appreciated. . I show how to make them from scratch by explaining the method of making puff pastry step by step,
Croissants are surprisingly easy to make. It might take some time to make the puff pastry because it needs to be folded and placed in the fridge for 30 minutes and folded again 5 or 6 times. But once these croissants make it out of the oven I’m sure anybody would agree that it was all well worth it. 
This recipe is my own. There are different ways of making the pâte feuilletée (puff pastry) but this is how I found it works best.

For the Puff Pastry
  • 2 cups all purpose flour
  • 1 cup unsalted butter
  • 2 Tbsp sugar
  • 1 tsp salt
For Almond Cream
    Croissants Fourrés aux amandes
  • 3/4 cup raw almonds (100g)
  • 1/2 cup sugar ( 80 g)
  • 1/4 cup softened butter (55 g)
  • 1 pinch salt
  • Vanilla or Almond Extract
  • 1 egg
Egg Wash
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 1 Tbsp water
croissants Fourrés à la Crème d'AmandesDecoration
  • 1/4 cup almond slices

  • For the Puff Pastry, combine the dry ingredients, gradually add warm water until a smooth ball of dough is formed. Place in a greased ball and let it rise for 1 hour. Meanwhile, place the softened butter between 2 plastic wraps and shape into a square. Put the butter in the fridge to harden. When the dough has doubled in size push the air out with your fingers and cut a cross on the dough. Place butter in the middle of the cross and bring the edges of dough together to cover the butter.
                 Roll out the dough into a long rectangle, then:
                      1. bring the 1st edge 2/3 of the way in, bring the other edge on it
                     2. bring the 1st edge 1/2 way in and the other edge 1/2 way in as well and fold like a book
Place in the fridge for 30 minutes and repeat 5 or 6 times, before placing the dough in the fridge overnight. Watch video on how to make puff pastry
  • For the almond cream, cover almonds in boiling water and soak for 5 to 6 minutes. Remove skin from almonds. In a food processor mix together almonds and granulated sugar. In a large bowl, cream the softened butter with salt and vanilla. Add the almond mixture. Add the egg and continue mixing. Add the powdered sugar. Set aside. Watch this video for Almond Cream Preparation
  • Cut the Puff Pastry in half, place one half in the fridge while shaping the other one. To shape the croissants, roll out the dough to a long rectangle, cut it into triangles. place almond cream in the bottom of the triangle and roll it on itself. Place on a baking sheet and let rise for 1 hour.
  • Brush the croissants with an egg wash, sprinkle almond slices of top and bake at 375F (175C) for 12 minutes.
  • Enjoy!!
Video Recipe: Almond Filled Croissant (Made from scratch)

croissants recipe

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