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Mar 29, 2011

Is my passion for cooking making me fat?

Baked Hot Chicken Wings
My husband LOVES chicken wings and I, well, I started liking them as well.  Yes, I was not a big fan of chicken wings at first because I did not find it appealing to eat fried chicken with its skin still on. 

However, everything changed the day I asked my husband that next time he craved chicken wings to buy them raw instead of stopping by the local buffalo wings sports bar's take-out. To my surprise, the next day he came back from work with 3 lbs. of raw chicken wings. 

To my surprise and more importantly to my husband's astonishment my first
attempt at making them was a success! They turned out tender on the inside and crispy on the outside, spicy and overall delicious. Of course they were nothing like Buffalo Chicken wings, since I used my own creation of spices, but they were, nonetheless, good enough for my husband to forget about the take-out and start buying them raw regularly for me to make. As the time past by, and because practice makes perfect, my homemade chicken wings became almost a tradition in our house. We have them practically every weekend. 

Here is a typical weekend feast. 

I made sure to snap a picture of the wings right after I took them out of the oven, otherwise they're gone before we know it.

Homemade Anchovy Pizza

Needless to say that since this and many other "traditions" of this kind had been adopted in our family I have gained weight. Which leaves me wondering, is my passion for cooking making me fat? Is "homemade" causing me to eat more? Would I be eating less if it was brought  from outside? Probably. Mind you, I always order a salad when we eat out and most of the time I'll have a couple bites and be done. Does my mind associate "homemade" with "safe" and therefore I unconsciously think that I can have as much as I want of it?!

To sum up, cooking at home is very tricky. It might be healthier since I am in control of the ingredients but it is dangerous at the same time because I don't think twice about how much I should indulge. The alarm that gets off when I normally eat is disabled. My food being really good (not to brag) is making the situation even worst. I need to change my mind set and stop thinking that because I made it, then it's okay to have it all. This is what I'm working on at the moment and trying to the goals of my #7daychip challenge.

Would you rather go out to eat or have homemade food if the latter was as good or even better tasting and regardless the time, effort and financial aspects?


  1. I would prefer homemade stuff, because I know what ingredients I used and how I made them. So I can influence, if possible, which fat I use and how much or what kind of meat I'm using and so on.
    By take out menues you can't control that.

  2. You are absolutely right! I too think that homemade meals are better. However, I must reevaluate my portion sizes to keep it even healthier. Thanks for stopping by, have an awesome day/ night <3

  3. I always prefer homemade, I'm a pretty good cook myself. But when I'm working on losing weight, I can't make most of my best things (like my famous chocolate cake. I guess I should try to make some of my recipes more diet friendly. I've already worked on portion control, though it gets away from me sometimes! :)

    Maria's Musings and Weight Loss

  4. Maria, yay for working on portion control!! it's still a work in progress for me.

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