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Mar 29, 2011

Is my passion for cooking making me fat?

Baked Hot Chicken Wings
My husband LOVES chicken wings and I, well, I started liking them as well.  Yes, I was not a big fan of chicken wings at first because I did not find it appealing to eat fried chicken with its skin still on. 

However, everything changed the day I asked my husband that next time he craved chicken wings to buy them raw instead of stopping by the local buffalo wings sports bar's take-out. To my surprise, the next day he came back from work with 3 lbs. of raw chicken wings. 

To my surprise and more importantly to my husband's astonishment my first

Mar 17, 2011

Spinach Lasagna!!

As promised, here is my spinach lasagna recipe! =)

Lasagna is my favorite food of all time... Here is a healthier, lighter and to my taste more delicious version of it.

I'm going to let the pictures speak for themselves and dive right into the recipe.


  • 8 oz Lasagna (about 10 CREAMETTE noodles)
  • 16 oz fresh

Mar 16, 2011

Lemon-Chocolate-y Muffins!!

Hi all! It's been a while since I've visited my own blog, let alone post!! ha ha...
Here I am with a very requested recipe... I know, I know another recipe... But you'll thank me later =)


So to make my famous Lemon-Chocolate-y Muffins we will start by making our chocolate.

- 3 tbsp butter (softened)
- 1 cup confectioners sugar
- 3 tbsp cocoa powder (unsweetened)
- 2 to 3 tbsp half and half or whole milk or

Mar 5, 2011

Ravishing Cocoa, Peanut Butter Cookies!!

Here is another healthy and delicious Cookie Recipe!

Oh SOO Good!!! 
I have to confess, I have been on a strict cookie diet the past few days. Just because nothing tastes better than these babies!! All I want to have is COCOA PEANUT BUTTER COOKIES! Yes, they're that good! So good that if you don't trust yourself around cookie-deliciousness refrain from making them... ha ha

Note: I usually had a pinch of slat to all my sweet recipes but because of the salt in the peanut butter, no additional salt is needed ;)

  • 1/2 Cup unsalted Butter