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Jan 17, 2011

Cheerful Breakfast

Here is to starting off the day and week right!

1 medium red apple
2 dried apricots
2 oz raisins
2 oz raw and soaked almonds

I added an organic vanilla yogurt to the mixture...

I am trying be in a good and positive mood. I'm making myself enjoy the simple things in life. The different colors in my breakfast are cheering me up! I know that it probably sounds silly, but I assure you it does. Even though the scale said that I was up 4 pounds this morning, I am not making a big deal out of it. I don't need more drama and negativity in my life, so for now, I could care less what the scale had to say. I am taking matters one smile at a time. This morning's smile is in my breakfast bowl. Also I owe this morning's positive mood to @jpnagan who encouraged me with his kind words! 

Who or what made you smile this morning?


  1. Thanks! Hope the day only goes up from here!

  2. My hubby, knowing that I needed a hug after a particular emotional phone conversation. He always knows what I need. But, I confess, I'm much happier and willing to eat healthy foods when they are pretty!

  3. This looks amazing! I need to go get some more fresh fruit this week. I noticed fruit is one thing I lack in my diet. I do great with everything else. Relearning to eat right isn't easy but when the food looks this good it makes me want to work harder ha ha Might try this with some fruit I have in my freezer :) If you have any easy low calorie lunches I'd love to see them!
