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Jan 23, 2011

How to calculate your BMR

After yesterday's weigh-in and post, I knew I had to take matters in hand and try to turn things around somehow. I didn't have a plan and didn't know from where to start. But likely, Patrick commented (thank you so much) and showed me exactly what I needed to do. He suggested I checked Bobbie's Blog Post about BMR and anticipated weight loss. I rushed to the Blog and as I was reading (and then calculating) my anger and disappointment slowly faded away and were replaced by motivation and enthusiasm. 

If you haven't read Bobbie's post (click) yet, you probably won't know what I'm talking about next. Also, I'm sure that you'll learn a couple new tricks to weight loss, so go ahead. I'll wait...


Jan 19, 2011

After Resolution Comes Deception

I have been on this journey of Losing My Baby Weight since the second month after having my baby. It has been 8 months that I am working towards my goal and I have lost a total of 42 lbs so far.

Throughout this journey I have met so many incredibly inspiring people who share the same project of getting healthier and in a better shape. Some of them have reached their goals and succeeded to maintain it for years like @MizFitOnline. Others, I have proudly followed and saw them reach their goals and completely transform their lives and mine as they have become my personal role models and heroes like @tidbits_of_tara. And so many others are still on the path of achieving their goals and yet they have already come a long way and lost over 100 lbs like @JewliaGoulia (140+ lbs lost).

However, along with all these very strong and successful women and many others, came who I'd like to call the "resolution-ists". Or, basically all the people who made the "promise" to lose all their extra pounds on January 1st 2011 or the first Monday of the year and so on and so forth. In late December, I have seen so many people gear up and plan to start working on their goals as if the New Year would bring on some sort of magic and  miraculously transform their lives. I've seen people starting up groups and organizing how they will track their potential weight loss. Don't get me wrong. Planning is good. Hoping for a better tomorrow/ future is great. But my point is, if you don't have enough willpower and motivation to bring change to your life today before tomorrow, then you will most likely give up on yourself. Weight loss and healthy-living habits are very hard to keep up with because so many challenges are involved along the way (emotions being the hardest to manage). That's why only the most eager and motivated person will succeed.

January is not over yet and I have witnessed almost all the "resolution-ists" collapse. It's sad, but it also reminds me how acquisitive I was to start this journey. I too could have made a million excuses to postpone the weight loss. For example, having a newborn, being a first time mom, not being able to go to the gym, being sleep deprived, etc. But I didn't. My motivation of getting my body back was too important for me to put on hold.

I want you to ask yourself why and what made you start losing weight. What's your motivation and did it change along the way? Please share your answers and thoughts below.

Jan 17, 2011

Cheerful Breakfast

Here is to starting off the day and week right!

1 medium red apple
2 dried apricots
2 oz raisins
2 oz raw and soaked almonds

I added an organic vanilla yogurt to the mixture...

I am trying be in a good and positive mood. I'm making myself enjoy the simple things in life. The different colors in my breakfast are cheering me up! I know that it probably sounds silly, but I assure you it does. Even though the scale said that I was up 4 pounds this morning, I am not making a big deal out of it. I don't need more drama and negativity in my life, so for now, I could care less what the scale had to say. I am taking matters one smile at a time. This morning's smile is in my breakfast bowl. Also I owe this morning's positive mood to @jpnagan who encouraged me with his kind words! 

Who or what made you smile this morning?

Jan 10, 2011

Starting my Blog!

Thanks for checking out my blog!

My name is Zineb and, as the name of this blog suggests, I am trying to lose my baby weight and get my body back after having my son! I am 25, a proud mommy of a little boy and a wife to a loving, wonderful husband.

I have been documenting my "Losing My Baby Weight" journey since November, 2010 on YouTube. I posted vlogs, daily meals videos, weigh-ins, and weight loss progress (before and after pictures) videos. I was hoping to find the support I needed to achieve my goal. While, I didn't quite gather the audience to encourage me through this journey, I found that making videos about my weight loss kept me very accountable (and I love it for that matter). However, between filming, editing, saving, uploading and publishing, I found myself having to dedicate all my free time to the video making business! Also, I came to realize that documenting my weight loss via videos was very time consuming specially since already having to juggle job and homemaking.

So here is my attempt at blogging... Hopefully, you'll join me on So tune in and enjoy the ride while we inspire and motivate each other to get our sexy bodies back =)