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Feb 25, 2011

Delicious Oatmeal Raisins Cookies

Here is a traditional yet irreplaceable cookie recipe. It is perfect for when you're throwing a party or you can freeze the dough and bake it as needed; since this recipe makes about 3 dozen cookies. It is also very healthy and in my opinion a better alternative to the chocolate chip cookie recipe.

  •  1/2 Cup Butter (Or 6 Tbsp)
  • 2 Eggs
  • 3/4 Cup Firmly Packed Brown sugar
  • 1/2 Granulated Sugar

Feb 9, 2011

Orange Whole Wheat Cake

Orange Whole Wheat Cake By Zineb
This is one of my favorite recipes of all time. This healthy cake can be a great breakfast on-the-go, a perfect desert or even a delicious snack on your pause-cafe! It's also the ideal concoction for your sweet cravings. In addition to how little ingredients you will need and on how easy it is to make, I encourage you to give it a try if you enjoy baking and let me know how you liked it =)


  • 2 Fresh Eggs, 
    • 1/3 Cup Sugar,
       1/3 Cup Vegetable Oil, 
      2/3 Cup 100% Orange juice,